Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Tutorial: Comic Style Car


As requested, I decided to document and create a sort of tutorial on just how I went about doing the "comic style" cars.  I was pretty shocked overall by how the first car I did like was received, and I'm more than happy to share exactly how I did it... that said, I hope no one is disappointed, as there really isn't some model-guru secret, and in fact, it's rather very easy and simplistic.  Heck, I'm sure someone can come up with plenty of improvements to the overall process, as there was definitely a hefty dose of experimentation involved and I'm sure the process could use some further refinement.  It's also a bit trickier to try and WRITE a tutorial than it would be just to demonstrate it in realtime on YouTube, like almost every other tutorial out there... but I'll do my best to make due with what I got!

... that said, if you do have ANY questions, please don't hesitate to ask!  I'll do my very best to respond to any comments below, OR shoot me a question via social media as well.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Progress...

As I mentioned before, I've recently picked up Marvel Crisis Protocol, and over the past few weeks managed to not only get everything (avengers) assembled (bad joke, I know), primed, and have managed to get a few pieces painted as well.  Namely, Modok and two cars thus far.  Ironically, it was my first car, the red one, that received a lot of praise and got shared around social media... which has just been mind-boggling!

  BUT, before I begin with the models, I'd like to give another shoutout to Team Covenant for having such an awesome service!  **I'm small-time, so this isn't endorsed or paid for in any way.  This is all just about spreading the word and supporting their efforts!**  I decided to purchase all of my Marvel stuff (both this and the Champions LCG) and am utilizing their subscription service, and it was such a great decision!  First of all, my Crisis Protocol stuff arrived on the exact day of release as promised, and the touches of professionalism could be seen the second the package was opened.  Their customer service was topnotch too.  When the terrain pack was delayed, they reached out to me, giving me several options on how I WANTED to proceed.  I've heard horror stories of people whom have pre-ordered "one of everything" from other retailers, only to have their orders held for weeks/months on end due to an all-too-common delay, but Team Covenant found an easy solution for that... via simply contacting the customer! (crazy, right?!?)  I knew then and there, that this was a great solution.  On top of that, by subscribing, I'll never miss out on a simple mini or card pack, and I can focus on simply painting minis, and playing games.  Check em out!  With discounted online pricing, release day arrival, subscription services, and GREAT customer care, you can't go wrong by buying from Team Covenant!

  OK, with that little rant over, lets get on with the minis....

Friday, November 22, 2019

Spotlight: Rogue One Rebels - Star Wars Legion

  I recently decided to make the plunge into Star wars Legion, and have been furiously painting away at the Rebels.  In about 2 weeks, I'm amassed a decent amount of painted stuff, though I'm still a few units short of a full 800 points.  Just as with previous spotlight articles, I'm going to take a closer look at what I've managed to finish, and share my thoughts on the experience...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Spotlight: Warhammer Underworlds - Fellhoof

Hey there fellow gitz and gobbos, I'm slowly getting caught back up on my blog posts!  This time around I'm going to look at the other half of the Warhammer Underworlds Beastgrave box, The Fellhoof.  There should be a bit more to talk about with these goats, as not only did I use them in my one and only game true game, but they were also my experimental warband for a "comic style" I had recently discovered.  ** Shout to Mike @ Epic  Duck Studios.  Check out his YouTube channel for more info!  Anyway, let's get started...

Monday, November 18, 2019

Spotlight: Warhammer Underworld - Skaeth

I've fallen so behind on posting these spotlights!  Beastgrave has been out for a few months now, and I've had both The Skaeth and Beastmen warbands done for probably a month or more!  If you've been following me on twitter or Instagram, then these are probably old news by now... that said, without further blabbing on, I'm going to go over my thoughts on painting these!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Spotlight: Mollog's Mob

  I've just started this blog, and I've already fallen waaaay behind!  A few weeks ago, yes, WEEKS, I finished up my 2nd Warband of Warhammer Underworlds.... Mollog's Mob! (I've actually already finished the Skaeth as well, that's how behind I am!) Just as I did with my last one, Zarbag's Gitz, I want to go into greater details about my overall thoughts while working with these models. That said, unlike last time, I will not be coving the decklist for these guys, as I haven't really modified the deck at all.

  So, in the order that I finished the models in, let's get crackin!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Spotlight: Zarbag's Gitz - My 1st Underworlds Warband!

As few weeks ago, at the time of writing this, I decided to give Warhammer Underworlds a go.  Seeing how goblin-obsessed I've been as of late, it should come as no surprise that my 1st warband would be none other than Zarbag's Gitz!  With this post, I plan to go through each model, talking about my thoughts while painting them, what I learned, and what I'd try differently next time.  I'm also going to show my current deck for these gitz as well...